The Local History Department is located in the Community Library of Allegheny Valley across from the young adult section and is open:
Monday through Thursday: 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Closed Friday
Saturday: Please call the library or email [email protected] for a Saturday appointment.
Local History and Genealogy Resources Available
- Our libraries provide access to Ancestry Library Edition (Licensed for in-library use only).
- We have over 1,400 Reference Volumes with a special emphasis given to the Allegheny-Kiskiminetas River Valley, located in the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler and Westmoreland.
- Nearly 1200 rolls of Microfilm. In addition to the paper volumes, the Local History Department has numerous rolls of microfilm. They represent a variety of local newspapers going back to 1879.
- This unique collection is available for viewing FREE to the public.
Department Policy
- The Local History Department as an information source at the Community Library of Allegheny Valley (CLAV) enhances the Library’s regular collection in size and depth, and extends the Library’s commitment to meeting the community’s information needs.
- In cooperation with the Tarentum Genealogical Society and the Tarentum History & Landmarks Foundation, the Library is committed to obtaining genealogical and historical resources for the Pennsylvania counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler and Westmoreland.
- Genealogical and historical resources available in the Local History Department are provided equally to all library users. Circulating materials are available only to valid library card holders.
Department Use Procedures
- A visitors’ book asking for name, address, date and research topic should be signed upon each visit to the Local History Department.
- Briefcases and bags are permitted in the Department, but not opened on the worktable, as space is limited.
- Visitors to the Department should not re-shelve materials.
- Fragile materials, so indicated, must be attended to by staff.
- Certain materials, so indicated, may not be photocopied.
- Do not write on or in the materials.
- No food or beverage permitted. Cell phones and beepers must be turned off if such device makes an audible sound.
- Department users will be charged full replacement cost for damaged materials.
Microfilm Use Procedures
- A one-hour time limit will be enforced as needed on the use of the microfilm readers.
- Out-of-town visitors may reserve microfilm readers. Reservation will be lost after 10 minutes for no-shows.
- Only one roll of microfilm may be removed from the storage drawers at a time. After viewing the film, leave the film out. Staff will return microfilm to storage drawers.
Genealogy Resources Available
- Our libraries provide access to Ancestry Library Edition (Licensed for in-library use only).
- FamilySearch
- We have over 1,400 Reference Volumes with a special emphasis given to the Allegheny-Kiskiminetas River Valley, located in the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler and Westmoreland.
- Nearly 1200 rolls of Microfilm. In addition to the paper volumes, the Local History Department has numerous rolls of microfilm. They represent a variety of local newspapers going back to 1879.
- This unique collection is available for viewing FREE to the public.