General Services
- Public access to the Internet is provided. (Full Internet Policy below. ) A periodicals database provides access to thousands of periodicals and trade and professional journals.
- Black and white printing is available for 25 cents a page. Items may be sent to the printer from not only library computers, but also personal computers both on library premises and at home.
- Copy-machine service is available for 15 cents per page. Copies may be enlarged or reduced.
- Patrons may order materials that we do not own from any library in the county. Patrons can place a hold on an item at the front desk, by phone, or online through their online account.
- Requests for materials not owned by any county library may be made through interlibrary loan with the Electronic Information Network.
- A library card also grants the holder access to the library’s eBook collection.
- Further subscription services and digital collections are available to library card holders at no charge.
- Library membership is free to all Allegheny County residents.
- Residents of Westmoreland, Butler and other counties beyond Allegheny County may become members and check out materials at no charge, providing that a valid library card with a Pennsylvania Access sticker is shown.
Borrowing Policy
- Most books are loaned for three weeks.
- DVDs, CDs, and current and back issues of magazines may be borrowed for one week.
- Newspapers do not circulate and must be used in the library.
- Books with a waiting list may not be renewed.
Library Behavior Policy
Community Library of Allegheny Valley has established this Behavior Policy to ensure that library facilities are safe, welcoming and provide equitable access to materials and services for all library users. Appropriate personal library conduct includes activities such as reading, studying, properly using library materials and computers in a manner which does not interfere with others who are using the public library in this fashion.
Overview and Definitions
Appropriate behavior is expected of all users of the Community Library of Allegheny Valley’s facilities, as is associated with the normal use of a public library while in the building or on the grounds. Violations of the Behavior Policy will result in increasing levels of action, ranging from a staff issued warning, to asking the patron to leave the library for the remainder of the day, to the patron’s temporary or permanent loss of all library privileges, to legal action including criminal prosecution. The level of action shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Behavior Rules
Use of the library materials and services should not disturb other patrons. Library materials and services are available for educational as well as entertainment uses, and patrons should keep in mind that these resources are in the library to be shared by all.
Inappropriate behavior is considered to be behavior which creates excessive noise levels or disturbances, interferes with other patrons’ use of the library, and/or damages library property.
Inappropriate behavior would include, but not be limited to, the following conduct or behaviors.
- Loud, disruptive conversations, including shouting
- Verbal abuse of library staff.
- Use of personal electronic equipment at a volume that can be heard by others
• Use of profane and/or abusive language
• Sleeping, napping or loitering
• Engaging in any behavior that the reasonable library user would find to be disruptive, harassing, or threatening in nature to library users or staff, including stalking, prolonged staring at, or following another with the intent to annoy, or intentionally behaving in a manner that could reasonably be expected to annoy or disturb other patrons
• Possessing, selling, distributing, consuming or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance
• Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a violation of any federal, state or local ordinance
• Smoking or other use of tobacco including electronic cigarettes anywhere on our property
• Leaving children ages 10 and under unattended on library premises
• Engaging in any sexual contact, activities, or conduct
• Selling, soliciting, surveying, distributing written materials, panhandling or canvassing for any political, charitable or religious purposes inside a library building, doorway or vestibule
• Enter a Library building without being fully clothed. Patrons must wear a covering of their upper bodies and shoes or other footwear. Patrons whose hygiene is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to other Library users may be required to leave the building.
• Entering or remaining upon library premises with a bodily hygiene so offensive that it constitutes a nuisance to others
• Interfering with the safe and free passage of the library staff or patrons on the premises including, but not limited to the placement of objects in hallways, aisles, flooring, or elsewhere, in a manner that impedes the free passage of such persons about the library. Unattended items may be removed from the library premises if they reasonably appear to be abandoned or have been left unattended for 30 minutes or more
• Bringing any animal into the library except for service animals, animals for a scheduled library program or with special permission from a library director
• Improperly using library restrooms or facilities for purposes such as bathing, shaving, laundering or changing clothes
• Adults not accompanied by a child shall not loiter in the children’s area if the adult is not actively reading, studying, and/or using library materials from the children’s area.
• Violating the library’s rules for acceptable use of the internet and public computers
• Possessing, selling, distributing, displaying, or using any dangerous weapon. A weapon shall include, but not be limited to, a knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, firearm, shotgun, rifle, and any other tool instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury
• Engaging in any physically intimidating or assault-like behavior, including making any threats of violence or unlawful activities
• Interfere with the use of the Library by other patrons, or interfere with the performance of their duties by Library employees.
• Deface or mar Library materials. Patrons will not deface, mar or in any way destroy or damage the buildings, books, magazines, newspapers, recordings or other items of the Library collection. Library furnishings, walls, machines, vehicles, or other Library property. Violators will be subject to prosecution.
• Each patron will be responsible for fines, fees or other charges due in accordance with the Library’s standard schedules. Failure to pay these fines will result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
• Materials removed from the Library must be checked out on a valid Library card.
• The library will NOT tolerate threats or acts of violence. Any person engaging in such behaviors will be immediately ejected from the library
Library Response to Violations of Behavior Policy
Any person who violates the behavior policy will be handled in a professional and courteous manner by staff, but the degree of the violation will determine the response.
Staff is instructed to call 9-1-1 immediately in response to any behavior that is deemed dangerous. Staff will call the police for any behavior that is in violation of federal, state or local ordinances. Staff will call the police if a person or group of persons is asked to leave the library and they refuse to leave and/or become difficult with the staff member.
For most other inappropriate behavior, one warning will be given. Continued violations will result in patron being asked to leave the library for the day. A serious violation or repeated violations, or a violation where the police are called, may result in longer exclusions from the library up to permanent banning from the library. The level of action shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.
An individual who is banned from the library may be criminally charged with trespassing if they return to library property during the term of the ban. Any individual who is banned and whose library privileges have been revoked, may request to have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees of the Library. The request must be made in writing and submitted to the Library Director and the President of the Board of Trustees of the Community Library of Allegheny Valley, 1522 Broadview Boulevard, Natrona Heights PA 15065, within 30 days of the alleged offense.
*Approved by Community Library of Allegheny Valley Library Board in 2022.
Internet Use Policy
Community Library of Allegheny Valley Wireless Internet Use Policy
- Free wireless Internet access is available at both outlets of the Community Library of Allegheny Valley Harrison and Tarentum.
- In general you will need your own device such as a tablet, ipad, laptop or other WiFi-enabled device to connect to the network.
- To connect to our wireless network, Harrison Library or Tarentum Library, select the network and launch your web browser. The library’s wireless login screen will appear.
- By signing in to the wireless network, users agree to abide by the Community Library of Allegheny Valley Internet Use Policy.
Limitations and Disclaimers
Be aware that the wireless network is not secure. Information sent from or to your device may be captured or monitored by others. The Library recommends that you do not use a public network to transmit personal or financial data. We also recommend that you disable file sharing while using the network. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of your computer or wireless device or their configurations resulting from connection to the Library’s wireless access.
Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance. Patrons are responsible for the setup and configuration of their own equipment. The Library cannot accept the liability of changing settings on your computer equipment, however will advise on connecting to the wireless network.
Most public areas of the Library are serviced by the wireless network but there may be areas where the signal is weak. If you feel that the wireless reception is inadequate try moving to another location within the library.
Using the Library WiFi outside of the building has the same Community Library of Allegheny Valley Internet Use Policy. The same Limitations and Disclaimers also apply.
Printing is available to wireless users. Using our WiFi Printing you can print to the Library printer from your wireless device or laptop. You may also save your information to a flash drive and sign into one of the public computers to print.
Adopted March 23, 2017
Computer and Internet Access Policy
The Community Library of Allegheny Valley ensures that the people of the member communities and County of Allegheny have the right and means to free and open access to ideas and information that are fundamental to a democracy. The Library, by providing library materials and information services, including those accessed through the Internet, seeks to promote literacy, encourage lifelong learning and protect intellectual freedom.
1.1 Internet access as an information source at the Community Library of Allegheny Valley enhances the Library’s existing collection in size and depth, and extends the Library’s commitment to meeting the community’s information needs.
1.2 The Internet, as an information resource, enables the Library to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection. It allows access to ideas, information, and commentary from around the globe. Currently, however, the Internet is an unregulated medium. As such, while it offers access to a wealth of material that is personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, it may also contain material that is incorrect, inauthentic, unreliable, illegal, or sexually explicit. The Library has selected sites to link to its home pages in accordance with its materials selection policies. Beyond this, the Library does not monitor and cannot control information accessible through the Internet and is not responsible for its content, for changes in content of the sources to which the Library home pages link, or for the content of sources accessed by the user through secondary links.
1.3 Internet resources accessible through the Library are provided equally to all library users. The Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material; however, parents or legal guardians, not the Library or its staff, are responsible for monitoring their children’s use of the Internet and for the information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to give their children Internet guidelines, such as My Rules for Online Safety or those from the American Library Association on their web site, 700 + Great Sites, and inform them about materials they should not use. However, in no event is any person under the age of 18 permitted to view any obscene and other sexual materials and performances as defined and described in 18 Pa. C.S. 5903 and any amendments thereto. Copies of the statute are available at circulation.
1.4 Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users’ activities on the Internet. Community Library of Allegheny Valley, however, will not release information on the use of specific Internet resources by members of the public except as required by law or necessary for the proper operation of the library.
1.5 In the application and interpretation of this policy, the Community Library of Allegheny Valley will use as reference The American Library Association’s Code of Ethics, Freedom to Read Statement, Library Bill of Rights, and interpretations as they apply to electronic resources.
2.1 In an effort to ensure that the use of the Internet is consistent with the mission of the Community Library of Allegheny Valley, the following shall apply:
2.2 Designated Internet stations will be located where staff can see them.
2.3 The Library reserves the right to establish procedures and modify said procedures to make the Internet stations available on a reserved basis and the remaining open computers on a first come, first served sign-in basis.
2.3b A half-hour time limit may be enforced during busy periods of Internet use.
2.4The Library does not allow the use of personal software on its computers.
2.5 Internet use will be managed in a manner consistent with the Library’s policy on acceptable use: The Internet workstation must be used in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of other users. Users may not make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software. Computer and Internet settings may not be changed. Users may not use the network to make unauthorized entry into other computational, informational or communication services or resources. Users may not invade the privacy of others or engage in any activity that is harassing or defamatory.
2.5a The Library is not responsible for the accuracy, quality or currentness of information available on the Internet.
2.5b If a serious computer malfunction occurs and said malfunction is traced to a patron’s computer misuse, that patron’s computer privileges will be suspended indefinitely.
2.6 The Internet workstations cannot be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activities prohibited under any applicable federal, Pennsylvania, or local laws. In addition, Internet access may not be used for any marketing, advertising, fund raising, or other “for profit” activities.
2.7 It is the user’s responsibility to be aware of the display of any notices concerning the copyright of information on the Internet and to respect the copyright laws of the United States.
2.8 The Library does not issue e-mail accounts and is not responsible for any problems arising with web-based e-mail accounts accessed in the Library.
2.9 The Library does not act in loco parentis and acknowledges the exclusive right of parents and guardians to monitor their children’s Internet use. Parents may restrict their children’s Internet use on their own accord.
2.10 The current cost to computer users to print a page off any computer is $ .20. Costs are subject to change.
2.11 The Community Library of Allegheny Valley is committed to providing an employment environment free from sexual harassment. Users may not display on screens and/or printer materials that may be unlawful or prohibited under any applicable federal, Pennsylvania, or local laws.
3.1 Violation of the policies and regulations that govern the use of the Library’s Internet resources may result in suspension or loss of the privilege to use these resources.
3.2 Any illegal activity involving the Library’s Internet resources or equipment will be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorities.
3.3 The Library reserves the right to take appropriate action to ensure compliance with this policy.
- The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law that requires all computers in a public library to be filtered if that library accepts any federal funds for Internet access. [Supreme Court decision: United States v. American Library Ass’n, Inc., No. 02-361 (June 23, 2003)] The Community Library of Allegheny Valley complies with the requirements of CIPA.
- All computers in the Community Library of Allegheny Valley are filtered. Please be aware that filters are unreliable, at times blocking sites of legitimate informational or educational value, or allowing access to sites that are illegal, obscene or sexually explicit within the meaning of 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Sec 5903.
- The Community Library of Allegheny Valley uses filtering software that blocks or filters Internet access to some Internet sites that may not be consistent with the policy of the Community Library of Allegheny Valley.
- Parents or legal guardians, and not the Library or its staff, are responsible for monitoring their children’s use of the Internet for the information selected and/or accessed by their children. The Library strongly encourages parents or legal guardians to supervise their children’s Internet use and to provide them with guidelines about acceptable use.
- The Community Library of Allegheny computers cannot be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activities prohibited under any applicable federal, Pennsylvania, or local laws, including activities in violation of 18 Pa Cons. Stat. Sec. 5903, which prohibits certain acts of public indecency.
- Any adult (17 years of age or older, as defined by CIPA) may request that the filter or technology protection measure be disabled without significant delay by a Community Library of Allegheny Valley staff member authorized by the Library Director, consistent with the privacy policy of the Community Library of Allegheny Valley.
- An authorized Community Library of Allegheny Valley staff member may override the filter or technology protection measure for a minor (age 16 years or younger, as defined by CIPA) in the event that the filter wrongly blocks or filters Internet access to a site with legitimate informational value.
- The Community Library of Allegheny Valley cannot be responsible for any patron’s unauthorized use of a computer with a disabled filter.
- Complaint Procedure:Any patron who wishes to file a complaint about the filtering software on the library computers may do so within thirty (30) days to:
- The Library Director and/or Library Board President;
- The Director of the Electronic Information Network;
- The Federal Communications Commission.
Computer and Internet Use Policy
Adults may be advised that, while accessing and viewing certain sexual materials is within the law for an adult, the risk of exposure to minors and the consequence of being ”harmful to minors” are significant. When children are in proximity, or even if another adult is expressly offended, the patron viewing such materials may be asked to close a website and select a more appropriate resource.
Other illegal activities which are prohibited include but are not limited to:
- Software piracy
- Degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance
- Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities
- Invading the privacy of individuals
- Engaging in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment
- Violation of copyright or licensing agreements
Any patron who disregards the policies and procedures of the Library may be restricted from using the library computers. The Library reserves the right to set time limits on the use of computers.
Revised and adopted: 4/27/2023
Collection Development and Weeding Policies
The objective of the Community Library of Allegheny Valley is to curate, organize and make available the widest possible diversity of materials in a variety of formats. The library also serves as an information center providing access to accurate and up-to-date information to the people of Brackenridge, East Deer, Fawn, Frazer, Harrison, Tarentum and Allegheny County. The library recognizes the Library Bill of right and Freedom to Read statement adopted by the American Library Association.
This policy defines the standards, criteria, and responsibilities of curating materials for the Community Library of Allegheny Valley (CLAV). Within these guidelines the Director and staff will use their professional judgement to select materials for the collection that meet the library’s mission: to serve a s a community source of lifelong learning, information, recreation and inspiration.
The library selects materials in a wide range of formats, using the following criteria:
- Literary merit, artistic quality, aesthetic, and recreational value
- Clarity, accuracy, and usefulness of information presented.
- Social, political, and historical significance of the subject matter
- Community needs and popular demand
- Local interest
CLAV selects material for is collection in accordance with professionally accepted guidelines. The library will attempt to represent all approaches to public issues of a controversial nature. The Selection of any given item in not an endorsement of an author’s viewpoint. This process is governed by the library’s mission statement, an assessment of present and future community needs and the limitation of space and budget.
Professional staff members read current library and review journals to suggest materials for purchase. These journals include Library Journal, Booklist and School Library Journal, among others. In addition, sources such as major national newspapers, local publication and weekly news magazine are used.
- Purchase suggestions – library users are encouraged to suggest titles and/or subject.
The above-stated selection criteria will be used to review these suggestions.
- Self-Published Materials – We desire to support local authors while maintaining the standards used for the permanent collection and have set specific guidelines for self published materials. Authors wishing to contributes books to the library must meet the criterial listed below:
o Books will be accepted as donations for the author or publisher o Book will not be purchase at patron request unless they have been reviewed in standard sources. Patrons may donate copies of authors’ self-published books. These will be evaluated in accord with the library’s collection development policy and are not guaranteed inclusion in the collection.
While anyone is free to reject Library materials of which she of he does not approve, the freedom of others to access these materials cannot be restricted. The library does not stand in loco parentis. Parents and guardians have the responsibility to guide the reading, listening, and
viewing choices of their own minor children. Selection of adult collection materials cannot be inhibited by the possibility that item may be access by minors. An individual may express his or her objections to Library materials by completing a Request for Reconsideration form which they can request at the front desk. The written complaint is then review by the Library Director and the Board. The decision of the Board is final. A written response conveying the decision of the Board shall be sent to the complainant.
The deselection of library materials is a valuable part of maintaining a public library’s collection. The purpose of this process is to make sure that the collection itself is viable and useful. CLAV is no an academic library and its collection and weeding policy reflect viability, interest and demand.
Materials considered for deselection include:
- Worn or mutilated items
- Duplicate copies of seldom used titles
- Materials which contain outdated or inaccurate information
- Superseded editions of specific titles
- Materials no longer of interest or demand
Materials considered for replacement follow this criterion:
- Demand for an item
- Number of existing copies
- Coverage within the collection
- Timeliness of the information
- Availability of the title for reorder
- Cost of mending versus replacement
Adopted: June 27, 2023 by CLAV Library Board
Community Library of Allegheny Valley Request Reconsideration of Resource Form